Kelp and Kelp Tea

It doesn’t matter if you’re
growing cannabis, hemp, petunias, or garlic. This is something ALL
gardeners need to know. Today’s topic is kelp. What is it? Where does
it come from? How exactly do you use it?

So, what is kelp?

Kelp is a marine plant of the seaweed variety. There are many different types of kelp. Many of them will have slightly different nutrient properties, but all of them will be beneficial to your plants. Kelp contains a small amount of macro nutrients, such as nitrogen and potassium. But, also contains many micro nutrients and vitamins beneficial to plant growth, such as calcium, iron, vitamin C, and more!

Composting and Compost Teas

Composting. If you aren’t doing it, you should. The benefits far outweigh any downsides you could see.

So what is composting? Composting is the act of breaking down or decomposing organic matter into a rich soil amendment, via the assistance of microorganisms or worms. Composting is a great way to add many necessary nutrients to the soil of your cannabis, hemp, and other plants.